Travel with Katie Butler: ​Escaping the grey and miserable rain

​Despite the prolonged concerns around the cost of living - travel remained a consumer priority in July, with Tenerife, pictured, being a popular choice. Photo: AdobeStock​Despite the prolonged concerns around the cost of living - travel remained a consumer priority in July, with Tenerife, pictured, being a popular choice. Photo: AdobeStock
​Despite the prolonged concerns around the cost of living - travel remained a consumer priority in July, with Tenerife, pictured, being a popular choice. Photo: AdobeStock
​Oh the weather outside is frightful but bookings remain delightful!

Katie Butler writes: As a travel agency manager I can hardly complain about the weather, in fact the wet weather in the UK has resulted in us enjoying a spike in last minute bookings and late deals, with many of you wanting to escape the grey and miserable rainy conditions.

Interest rates have risen once again showing that spending in the UK has gone down. However, the outbound travel industry remains extremely strong.

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Despite the prolonged concerns around the cost of living, travel remained a consumer priority in July, with Barclays reporting travel agents and airlines enjoying uplifts.

Our most popular destinations for late bookings have been Spain, Greece and Turkey and the European heatwave has not had an impact on late bookings.

Thankfully for Greece and its islands the heatwave and wildfires has not dampened last minute demand.

And those who had holidays booked prior to the wildfires and yet to travel to Greece, and in particular Rhodes, have still continued with their holiday plans and are keen to support the tourism economy.

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This month marks the third year that I have been writing this column, how time really does fly!

Of course, it all started in 2020, when I was reporting on movements on Covid restrictions around Europe, and indeed the world.

Although there is rarely anything to report on Covid these days, I am sure you will agree, there is always something worth knowing within the travel industry.

When I reflect back to 2020, and even to last year, when the summer was in chaos with staff shortages and operational disruption, it’s hard to believe we are almost back to normality today.

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Working in travel absolutely has its ups and downs. Reversing almost two years worth of bookings virtually overnight due to the pandemic, 100 per cent marks my most difficult time in over 30 years in the job.

Last week Jet2holidays announced the hotel in Turkey where they will be hosting their ninth annual VIP conference for independent travel agents.

The event will be held at the Voyage Belek Golf and Spa resort near Antalya.

Up to 350 agents across the UK will catch up with all things Jet2, learn about products and meet hoteliers.

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We have our fingers crossed that we will be invited, as it really is a fantastic event, and of course an honour attend. Watch this space!

Another fabulous week at Total Travel and another week showing a shift in pattern with lots and lots of last minute holidays booked.

In fact 17 per cent of our bookings were to travel this month and 22 per cent to travel in September.

Yes, the rain really has made you guys want to get the heck out of Yorkshire and into some sunshine as soon as possible.

Top selling destinations of the week remain Turkey and Tenerife.