Revealed: Britain's top 10 secret staycation locations

As British resorts brace themselves for a staycation stampede, Faraway Furniture is eager to help Brits discover the most underrated staycations in the UK - swapping Brighton beach for an empty Bali look-alike.

Faraway Furniture collated a list of destinations in the UK that look similar to abroad and analysed their search volumes to determine which of these are the least likely to be hit by the staycation stampede.

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But also guarantee a gorgeous, isolated getaway when it is safe.

There were 28,460 searches for ‘staycation’ in the UK last month on average.Searches for camping equipment has increased by up to 3,350 per cent.

In the past month there have been 28,460 searches for ‘staycation’ on average.With thousands of Brits searching for a quick getaway it’s certainly best to steer clear of others in the British holiday hotspots.

There has been a 3,350% increase in the past 90 days for searches for ‘camping bunk beds’ from families looking to spend weekends away in the UK this summer.There has also been a 400 per cent increase in searches for ‘camping BBQ’ and ‘camping chairs’ so it’s clear that many are looking to get away in the coming months!

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The most idyllic, unoccupied place in the UK that looks like it’s abroad is West Voe in the Shetlands, with only ten searches made per month.

The second most peaceful staycation in the UK is the Observatory Gully on Ben Nevis, with 170 searches per month.

These are the top 10.

West Voe, Shetlands, Scotland: 10 searches per monthThis gorgeous town is certain to make you feel like you’re on a Finnish beach - specifically Yyteri Beach in Pori!

Observatory Gully, Ben Nevis, Scottish Highlands: 170 searches per monthThere are only 170 searches for Observatory Gully on Ben Nevis, ensuring an isolated but adventurous weekend away; similar to Mont Blanc in the Alps.

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Ben NevisBen Nevis
Ben Nevis

Elegug Stacks, Pembrokeshire, Wales:  320 searches per monthThere are only 320 searches monthly for Elegug Stacks in Wales; if the weather is right these clifftops highly resemble Nusa Penida in Bali.