The Kirklees Citizens Advice and Law Centre column with Nick Whittingham

Treasurer: Laurence Campbell, a board of trustees member, receives his five year long certificate from chair of the trustees Judith Priestley.Treasurer: Laurence Campbell, a board of trustees member, receives his five year long certificate from chair of the trustees Judith Priestley.
Treasurer: Laurence Campbell, a board of trustees member, receives his five year long certificate from chair of the trustees Judith Priestley.
Kirklees Citizens Advice and Law Centre treated its volunteers to an afternoon tea in Dewsbury to celebrate their contribution to the service and to present long service awards to people who have volunteered for many years.

Volunteers help in lots of ways in our Contact Centres including answering our Telephone Advice Line, filling in forms with clients and helping people to find the information they need to deal with their problem.

KCALC is also governed by volunteers who make up the board of trustees and use their skills and experience to run the organisation.

Volunteers told us why they enjoy working with us.

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Volunteer Ann Strain with her 15 years long service certificate.Volunteer Ann Strain with her 15 years long service certificate.
Volunteer Ann Strain with her 15 years long service certificate.

l ‘To help people with their problems as I care about others and I enjoy the social aspect of working with a great team and it keeps my brain active’

l ‘It gives me a greater understanding about what is happening to the local community and I enjoy the different issues that are raised’

l ‘I get a buzz out of helping people. The face to face contact is very helpful and important to the clients.

‘They come to us for free help and sometimes we are the last set of people to show help and compassion. Every week is different, thus making the job enjoyable, beneficial and rewarding to all’

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