Taking a walk in memory of brave Arslan

The walkers before they set off.The walkers before they set off.
The walkers before they set off.
Family and friends put their best feet forward at the weekend to remember a brave young man who would be celebrating his 16th birthday.

Arslan Aslam, who had muscular dystrophy, died earlier this year after undergoing eight-hour surgery which would have improved his quality of life.

Though he seemed to be recovering well, Arslan’s family had to rush to the hospital five days later after Arslan suffered a cardiac arrest and showed no signs of life for about 25 minutes.

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Arslan died in the Forget Me Not Children’s Hospice on March 25, leaving dad Mohammed, mum Nasreen, brothers Hassan, , Rizwan,, Armaan and sister Nadia.

Mohammed, of Clarkson Street, Ravensthorpe, and his family organised a run or walk from their home to the Forget Me Not Trust in Huddersfield.
So far over £4,000 has been raised for the Forget Me Not Trust and Martin House Hospice, in memory of Arslan.

Mohammed said: “It was absolutely brilliant. There were over 40 people running or walking - including boxer Harris Akbar, the Commonwealth Champion, who showed his support along with a number of other boxers .

“The Purge boxing academy in Batley sorted all the boxers out for the event - they have been brilliant.

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“To everyone who came and showed their support, I would like to say a massive thank you. We have a target of £100,000 over the next 12 months for the charities, both of which do absolutely wonderful, wonderful work.”

More events to raise funds in Arslan’s name are being organised. To donate to the fund, visit http://mohammedarslan.aslam.muchloved.com/