LETTER: Make sure we are not left behind

posting many letters to red british postbox on streetposting many letters to red british postbox on street
posting many letters to red british postbox on street
There will be a number of issues demanding and competing for the attention of our new Prime Minister, but one of the matters that should be near the top of her in-tray is the HS2 project.

Costs have increased from £32.6bn to the current £63bn and there is little evidence to support the claims of the benefits it will bring.

This £63bn is a huge amount of money and, if spent wisely, could bring enormous benefits to the region.

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For instance, there are several major transport projects which would bring benefit to a much wider public than HS2 would and there is also a desperate need for more affordable housing.

Running alongside the need to re-consider HS2 is the absolute need to ensure that the Northern Powerhouse project becomes a reality.

There is a symmetry here of course – some of the money saved on HS2 would make a significant contribution to the infrastructure costs necessary to take the Northern Powerhouse to fruition.

Before that can happen, Yorkshire must get a move on and decide who is to be its leader in the post-Brexit era.

So much at stake and so little time if we are not to be left behind – come on Yorkshire and make the case!

Ralph Sutcliffe, Mirfield