Care provider rated '˜good' following inspection

Local domiciliary care provider, Carewatch Kirklees, received a Good overall rating from the Care Quality Commission.Local domiciliary care provider, Carewatch Kirklees, received a Good overall rating from the Care Quality Commission.
Local domiciliary care provider, Carewatch Kirklees, received a Good overall rating from the Care Quality Commission.
Care provider Carewatch Kirklees has received a '˜good' overall rating from the Care Quality Commission (CQC) following a recent inspection.

The CQC inspection evaluated various aspects of its service and rated it ‘good’ across the board for safety, effectiveness, quality of care delivered, responsiveness and leadership.

The CQC found members of staff had the skills to enable them to perform their role effectively.

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This included regular staff training, providing clients with a strict care plan and helping them out with their daily needs.

Bev Swift, branch manager at Carewatch Kirklees, said: “Everyone at Carewatch Kirklees works tirelessly to deliver high quality care and support to our clients, so to be rated well by the CQC feels fantastic.

“It is important to champion the efforts of care workers and celebrate the vital role they perform in their local communities. We are delighted with our CQC rating and I’d like to thank all of the staff for doing such a great job. We will keep striving to improve our service even more.”

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